Sunday, 15 November 2009

Robert B Parker - School Days

Two teenagers go on a shooting spree at their school, killing 7.  The perpetrators have been caught and both have confessed, however the grandmother of one of them believes him innocent.  Spenser isn't one to turn down a challenge.

My rating: 4/10

I've read a few Spenser novels and this isn't a very good example.  It lacks humour and spice, and plods along to it's conclusion which is contained in one short chapter.  A mildly surprising ending, but hardly original.  The absence of his girlfy and his usual 'heavies' also make this book rather dull.  I like the fact that Spenser is hardly hapless, and gets out of danger violently, but Parker does not lay on the gore.  As I have enjoyed 2 or 3 other Spensers, it hasn't put me off.

Next: Frances Fyfield - Cold To The Touch, for SHOTS

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