Saturday, 28 November 2009

Author note

The purpose of this blog is already being fulfilled.  Here I said I should look up Edward Marston - in fact I have already read a book of his, The Vagabond Clown, discovered this as I was looking along the shelves of my local library.

I seem to remember enjoying it, and if I see any more at the local library will probably borrow them.   Can't remember enough to review it or even describe it, but what I do remember is that it contained rich characters and a strong-ish plot.  So I can't rate it really, not officially here.  Maybe I'll take it out again at some point.

4 books out of the library, and I haven't decided which one first, needless to say they are all crime fiction.  However, am reading a bit of non fiction at the moment which I would like to complete and note here.

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